Liberty reserve is a cool way to receive payments online and it is popular in Nigeria. If you have a blog or simple website where you would like to setup a donation button or receive payments for a variety of purposes, adding liberty reserve would not be a bad idea especially if your regular web visitors are used to it or have an account like that. Liberty reserve works a bit like other payment processors like Alertpay or paypal as it allows users to send electronic funds to other users within the network. In minutes, one account gets credited while the sender gets debited. One advantage I think it has over other payment platforms is that there are no payment reversals and the transfer fees are really low at 1%.
Another advantage Liberty reserve has over platforms like Paypal is that it works in most places where Paypal does not. Countries like Nigeria are accepted and it seems that it is mostly used by internet Forex traders and having a website related to forex tutorials may work well with a Liberty reserve button.
So how do you setup a Liberty reserve button on your website? How do you allows LR members to send money to you in form of donations. How do you sell with a LR button?
Now after opening a free account, you may set up a payment button in any of the ff ways:
- You can go to and generate a code which you can use
- You can use the example I gave below in this post
Now here is how I generated a simple Liberty reserve button. It is in html code and you can paste it in your website at the place where you want it to show. It is just a simple form like any other form you have on your site and you can format it to suit you.
Here is a working html code I used:
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="lr_acc" value="0000
<input type="hidden" name="lr_success_url" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="lr_fail_url" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="lr_currency" value="LRUSD"/>
<input type="hidden" name="lr_comments" value="Donation on behalf of"/>
Enter Amount here:<br/><input type="text" name="lr_amnt" value=""/>
<input name="imageField" type="image" src="" alt="Pay With Liberty Reserve!"/>
Change above "0000" and write there your "Liberty Reserve Account number.
Last Step.
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From Dasboard > Design
Go to Page elements > Add a Gadget
Choose HTML/Javascript with click it + on the corner. Then paste the code to the widget box.
Drag and reposition the widget and then save it.
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