Some people are not happy with the stock Windows installation. They either don't like the way it looks or don't like the way it functions.
Maybe they just want their productivity environment to reflect something of their personality instead.
For these people you can customize Windows to fit your tastes; changing the desktop, using different themes, even different shells.
Sounds and software can be setup. Batch files can be used to group files or even open multiple WebPages at the same time if you browse the same 5 every morning for updates or your daily news.
User customization goes beyond the Operating System. Web browsers, office software, even the lowly text editor can receive a touch of you through customization.
There are more ways to customize than just adding colors and changing the way something looks. If you think about an Operating System and the software you install as an “add on” then it isn’t too hard to see what add-ons do for a web browser. Pieces of software you install to either add or correct functionality of a web browser.
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